Thursday, December 17, 2009


I haven't been blogging much lately, I just have not had much time.
To get you up to speed, I celebrated my 1 year blogaversary. Yay me!
Had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving with my family. I'm ever so grateful to God for that one.
My daughter celebrated another birthday, Hannah Montana themed this year. We sang Karaoke, played hot potato, stuffed our faces & had a great time With a lot of cleaning up afterward. I don't know if I will do it again next year. Maybe we will just go out for dinner.

Next stop. My Birthday! The beginning of the end of my twenties. While I do not mourn them, I do wish to celebrate in a Big way. Unfortunately, my budget does not allow, so I will settle for a home cooked meal from my favorite Mom, and some quality time with the family. I am truly blessed.
I have Christmas to look forward to and I must confess...I am not done shopping yet...wish me luck!

Giveaway alert

$100 Visa Gift card giveaway over at Suburban Turmoil check it out!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It all started out perfect..almost too perfect. Friday night Hubs and I had a romantic night out at our favorite seafood restaurant. We have not gone out alone (to dinner) in I don't know how long.
The weekend was great. Saturday was quiet, took the kiddies to the Library to check out some books and movies. Sound OK so far?
Sunday went bowling and out to lunch with the kiddies. Still good.
Then Monday, I wake up with sinus headache, stuffy nose, and worst of all a sore throat. I might add, I just got over a cold on Friday.
Tuesday, I go to pet our newly adopted kitty and guess what I find under his chin? A FLEA!! Now I am a clean freak, especially when it comes to my home. Laundry, bedsheets, pillows, kitties bed, towels all go flying into the washer in scalding hot water. Area rugs and wood floors swept, vacuumed, and steam cleaned. Not to mention the $45 dollars on Frontline from the pet store. My poor kitty was treated like a leaper for 24hrs because of the time it takes for Frontline to dry and the kids were instructed not to go near him at all. The children said he had the " cooties". It was hard watching the little guy get rejected by those he loved the most but I have to say this ordeal exhausted me and I'm still sick too. Cough! Cough!

Friday, November 6, 2009


It's a great cause. We all want our children to be healthy and stay that way. Seventh generation million baby crawl campaign and giveaway
Seventh Generation is sponsoring a giveaway of a Home Starter Kit (ARV $35) for one lucky winner, which includes: Glass Cleaner- Ruby Red Grapefruit; All Purpose Cleaner- Green Mandarin and Leaf; Shower Cleaner- Green Mandarin and Leaf; Toilet Bowl Cleaner- Emerald Cypress and Fir; Tub and Tile Cleaner- Emerald Cypress and Fir; Kitchen Cleaner- Wild Orange and Cedar Spice; Natural Paper Towels- 120 Count; Seventh Generation Reusable Tote (items may be substituted based on availability).

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Over the last couple of years I have found that I have uh let myself go. Not so much in the weight department but in the hair, nails, clothing area. I can't even remember when the last time it was that I picked up a Fashion magazine. When I look in the mirror these days...I don't feel pretty.

I actually used to take pride in my looks. Once upon a time not so long ago I was considered beautiful, I lived in the City, had a life full of friends and excitement and now I hate to say it but I'm bored and In desperate need of a makeover! I have become what I always said I would never be " just another suburban housewife in sweats and no makeup". What went wrong?!


Go over to Resourceful mommy for some amazing giveaway's for the kiddies this Friday.

I won
2 free movie tickets from my coke twist instant game. Try it if you get the chance I will be going on a free date night with my Husband. There are so many great movies coming out this month.

I also picked up four tickets to the Circus courtesy of
. Thanks Colleen!


I saw the movie 2012 with the coke passes I won. Hubs, son, and I had a wonderful time and give the movie 4 stars.
My daughter
LOVED the circus! It was a great family night out and we ended up making it part of her birthday gift. It worked out so well.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I took my daughter to a play called Baba Yaga and the Pumpkin Fairy. She had an amazing time! Said it was the first time she actually liked a play...gasp! Once again this was free people and if it wasn't free she would not have been able to enjoy this wonderful play. The Actors were talented and my daughter was able to take pictures after the show with them which she loved! The show itself was hilarious. Even the adults couldn't help but laugh out loud. Thanks to once again! was posted on her blog.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Another great giveaway over at One day, one dollar at a time

Hey all! If you love Snow White head on over to Personally, I have been dying to win it, but I wish you all luck as well.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I have totally neglected my duties here in favor of devoting all my time to my family. I have to say, I've had a ball!
However, Looking for fabulous yet free activities to keep the kiddies busy is a job of itself. Gotta love the
Internet for these things!
I've been fortunate enough to receive theater tickets for my family, Free movie tickets for date night, Free birthday/greeting cards, Free zoo tickets, Free pictures, Free entree at a restaurant. The list goes on and on. The saying "seek and ye shall find" couldn't be more true. For some reason, the kids tend to have a much better time at these events. Go figure. Over the years my husband and I have shelled out a pretty penny entertaining our kids & They didn't always enjoy themselves. Now those expensive activities are just out of our budget. I am
SO eternally grateful for ALL the freebies, most courtesy of the blog freebies4mom.

If there's a Disney Princess inside of you or your daughter, niece, etc. Go on over to
Suburban Turmoil, another wonderfully entertaining Blog. There is an AMAZING Snow white giveaway. I'm off to find some more events for the kiddies...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Novel Bookworm: Giveaway!! A book a day in the month of May!!! Day 8!!

The Novel Bookworm: Giveaway!! A book a day in the month of May!!! Day 8!!

Rockin Mama Giveaway

OK all you Hannah Montana fans out there (or Parent's of Hannah Montana fans) Rockin Mama is having an awesome Hannah Montana giveaway. Please go on over to her page and check it out

Monday, May 11, 2009

Eighty MPH Mom: FLOR Rug Review and Giveaway!

Eighty MPH Mom: FLOR Rug Review and Giveaway!

Mother's day Weekend

I had a wonderful relaxing weekend with the kiddies. We cuddled. we laughed, and cuddled some more. They bought me the most beautiful card. I tried to hold back tears but it all came out. My daughter asks me " are those tears of joy or sadness"? I laughed so hard I squeezed out a few more tears. Hubby wished me a happy mother's day all weekend and pampered me. I have never felt more appreciated in my life! I hope your families made you feel just as special.

Mother's day weekend was not without incident I must add, but I will save it for another time.

Days of 31 givaways

Go check out there are some pretty awesome giveaways. I heart the cupcake set!

The Novel Bookworm: Giveaway!! A book a day in the month of May!!! Day 11!!

The Novel Bookworm: Giveaway!! A book a day in the month of May!!! Day 11!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Won!! I Won!!!

I guess persistence pays off but maybe it was just plain luck. I have finally won a giveaway! I hit the jackpot over at Suburban Turmoil. Thanks so much Lindsay. Now to work on the L-o-t-t-e-r-y. A dollar and a dream right?
For anyone else interested in entering giveaways The Novel Bookworm is having a book giveaway " a book a day in the month of May". Go check it out.
And Eighty MPH Mom is also having Mother's day week of giveaways. Win an e.l.f. Cosmetics mineral starter set or J.R. Watkins treat your feet kit.
My Moms view is giving away a Luvali convertible bag closes May 11th.

Friday, May 1, 2009


A few days ago while brushing my daughters hair she asked me "are all Stepmother's mean?" I have to admit I was taken aback by the question. I asked her "am I mean?" She said no, but in my story books the the Stepmother is always mean. She seemed bothered by this and was not dropping the subject. I told her I knew plenty of loving Stepmothers, and I have yet to meet a mean one. I also told her a Stepmother's love is very special because even though she doesn't give birth to you she still chooses to love you as her own. She said "yes, that is true" wrinkling her forehead deep in thought. I knew she still had questions. Later on that night I searched for hours online for realistic stories a child could understand and was very disappointed at the results. Out of the hundreds of books, I think I found three that were somewhat acceptable and out of the three one was discontinued. It would have been my pick. The rest of these books put the father and Stepmother in a bad light playing into the blame game. In the description of the books it was always the father who left, which is not always the case and they also focus on how the children have an issue with having a Stepmother which is not always the case either. Most of the books showed a Mother at home crying over the broken home which again isn't always the case. Who the hell is writing these books?!
I had no idea books and movies (hello? Enchanted!!) are still perpetrating the same evil stepmother figure to children. Innocent and sometimes fearful children. I think it's so wrong on many levels. Especially for children who have no control over the outcome of their parent's Marriages. It also creates a stigma in school between children. One child will tease the other because their parents are divorced or won't play with them because they feel they are somehow better than the other child. These things happen between children. Stepmothers are in need of a serious image overhaul in the book, media, and movie department. If there is a petition going around regarding this subject sign me up! Someone needs to tell publishing, Hollywood, etc to stop bullying us. We all have it hard enough.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Life's Surprises

Today, I stopped over by Suburban Turmoil's blog and was in awe of the beautiful remembrance of her daughter's Ballet teacher who recently passed away. What really hit home was the card she and Her daughter made apparently "just in time". You see, they had no idea Miss Linda was going to pass away and yet they took the time out of their day just to let someone special know how they felt about them. I wish we all would do a little something for a loved one in our lives. You never know when you just might have to say goodbye.
I remember the time my mother was after me to make an aunt a jewelry box for her birthday. All I wanted to do was play outside with my friends that day, but my mother put her foot down and said make your aunt the jewelry box! So I sat there all day long making this jewelry box. Stick by stick, gluing and gluing, painting and adding pretty pieces of fabric. It eventually all came together and was a beautifully made original jewelry box!
On my aunt's birthday, I presented her this jewelry box, and she just looked at it and started crying. I felt so bad. I thought to myself what did I do wrong to make her cry? Of course, I quickly left the scene to cry in a corner somewhere. Later on that night my aunt pulled me to the side and told me no one has ever made her something so special. She gave me a kiss and said thank you, you made my birthday. A few months later, after a long fight with an illness she passed away. Sometimes even when you know someone is fighting an illness you don't always expect them to go so soon. She was such a fighter, and her looks surely deceived me. I did not know she would go so soon...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

I had a wonderful Easter Weekend with the Family. We visited My Parent's. Colored Easter eggs and spent quality time with each other. It was a very good weekend!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Still Trying

I'm still trying to win a Giveaway..any Giveaway! Feeling great though. Went for an almost three mile walk today. It still doesn't feel like Spring yet but It's sunny and I will settle for that.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm on a mission!

I want to win something...anything! I see all these Giveaways and tips for Giveaways. I wanna Win! This is my Mission for the day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

An un-welcome visitor

All week I have been getting funny glances from my Husband. He has tried to get affectionate and stuff but as I announced to you all I have not felt like my normal self these days.
Every Month we are visited by "THE MOST" un-welcome guest of all. We always know she's coming, but we never know quite how to prepare for the visit. We can never get rid of her fast enough.
It always starts out with Hubby being ALOT nicer than usual. Suspicious me, I am always on Guard. Pitiful I know. I'm terrible!
I always come down with nausea and sometimes a bad headache before her visit. Like a bad omen. Hubs gets nervous and thinks he will be left all alone with the visitor we despise. He then proceeds to act cranky. We give each other the silent treatment and then finally she arrives. The pain and suffering begins. Then she is gone as quickly as she arrived and my husband is...relieved! Who do you ask is the unwelcome guest? Why Aunt Flo of course.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I have decided to act like one of the character's in Snow White. Guess who?

For the past few Month's I have totally abandoned this Blog. I apologize to all of you serious Bloggers out there.
What have I been up to you ask? Making Snowmen with the kids, sipping hot cocoa and anything else that would keep my hands warm.
Valentine's day was sweet. The kids bought us roses and made beautiful cards that let us know just how appreciated we are. Hubby bought me some really tasty Chocolates. How sweet!
However, I wasn't feeling quite so romantic that day. I think I some how rolled off the wrong side of the bed. Yes. My friends. I was a ROYAL GRUMP! And I admit it. The theme of the day for me was "I am Woman, Hear me roar". My Husband STILL has not let me live that day down. Problem is I think I have decided to stay that way for a while. Oh well, Spring is just around the corner and maybe it's just what I need to get me out of the Winter dumps.