Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It all started out perfect..almost too perfect. Friday night Hubs and I had a romantic night out at our favorite seafood restaurant. We have not gone out alone (to dinner) in I don't know how long.
The weekend was great. Saturday was quiet, took the kiddies to the Library to check out some books and movies. Sound OK so far?
Sunday went bowling and out to lunch with the kiddies. Still good.
Then Monday, I wake up with sinus headache, stuffy nose, and worst of all a sore throat. I might add, I just got over a cold on Friday.
Tuesday, I go to pet our newly adopted kitty and guess what I find under his chin? A FLEA!! Now I am a clean freak, especially when it comes to my home. Laundry, bedsheets, pillows, kitties bed, towels all go flying into the washer in scalding hot water. Area rugs and wood floors swept, vacuumed, and steam cleaned. Not to mention the $45 dollars on Frontline from the pet store. My poor kitty was treated like a leaper for 24hrs because of the time it takes for Frontline to dry and the kids were instructed not to go near him at all. The children said he had the " cooties". It was hard watching the little guy get rejected by those he loved the most but I have to say this ordeal exhausted me and I'm still sick too. Cough! Cough!

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