Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Still Trying

I'm still trying to win a Giveaway..any Giveaway! Feeling great though. Went for an almost three mile walk today. It still doesn't feel like Spring yet but It's sunny and I will settle for that.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm on a mission!

I want to win something...anything! I see all these Giveaways and tips for Giveaways. I wanna Win! This is my Mission for the day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

An un-welcome visitor

All week I have been getting funny glances from my Husband. He has tried to get affectionate and stuff but as I announced to you all I have not felt like my normal self these days.
Every Month we are visited by "THE MOST" un-welcome guest of all. We always know she's coming, but we never know quite how to prepare for the visit. We can never get rid of her fast enough.
It always starts out with Hubby being ALOT nicer than usual. Suspicious me, I am always on Guard. Pitiful I know. I'm terrible!
I always come down with nausea and sometimes a bad headache before her visit. Like a bad omen. Hubs gets nervous and thinks he will be left all alone with the visitor we despise. He then proceeds to act cranky. We give each other the silent treatment and then finally she arrives. The pain and suffering begins. Then she is gone as quickly as she arrived and my husband is...relieved! Who do you ask is the unwelcome guest? Why Aunt Flo of course.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I have decided to act like one of the character's in Snow White. Guess who?

For the past few Month's I have totally abandoned this Blog. I apologize to all of you serious Bloggers out there.
What have I been up to you ask? Making Snowmen with the kids, sipping hot cocoa and anything else that would keep my hands warm.
Valentine's day was sweet. The kids bought us roses and made beautiful cards that let us know just how appreciated we are. Hubby bought me some really tasty Chocolates. How sweet!
However, I wasn't feeling quite so romantic that day. I think I some how rolled off the wrong side of the bed. Yes. My friends. I was a ROYAL GRUMP! And I admit it. The theme of the day for me was "I am Woman, Hear me roar". My Husband STILL has not let me live that day down. Problem is I think I have decided to stay that way for a while. Oh well, Spring is just around the corner and maybe it's just what I need to get me out of the Winter dumps.